For members who do not regularly read the ABF Newsletter, now is a great opportunity to see what you miss.
The June issue has just been released - you can check it out electronically or you can wait till printed copies reach the club in a week or two. A new editor, Brad Coles, has taken over this year - check out the changes he has made.
Here are the topics covered in this issue:
- The Story Of Barry Crane
- President’s Report: Allison Stralow
- Around The Clubs
- ABF Marketing Report: Peter Cox
- ABF Education: Joan Butts
- A Game At The Club: Barbara Travis
- Bidding Tips: Eddie Kantar
- Workshops With Will: William Jenner-O’Shea
- Bridge Into The 21st Century: Paul Lavings
- Event Report: Yeh Cup & Spring NABC
- Improve Your Defence: Ron Klinger
- Event Report: Tasmanian Festival
- Tournament Results
- Suit Combinations: Brad Coles
- Coaching Cathy At Contract: David Lusk
- Bidding Advice: George Cuppaidge
- Event report: Autumn Nationals
- Event report: Ballarat Festival
- Event Report: Under-26 internationals
- ABF Youth Initiatives
- Review
- My Favourite Hand: Warren Lazer
- Letters To The Editor
- How Would You Play? Barbara Travis