This FAQ item provides guidance on administrator access to the site and some of the things you might want to do via that access. It would be expected that this would only be undertaken by a very small number of careful users.

Most functions done by site contributors can be undertaken on the live site when a suitably permissioned user is logged in - for example contributing and editing articles, and adding and editing events. 

However there is a large range of additional functions that can only be undertaken on the administrator part of the site. This FAQ provides guidance for some of these functions:


1. Edit an article that has either be left without a category or left unpublished

  • It may be hard or impossible to find this article on the live site - but it can be easily found in the administrator part of the site
  • Log in to the administrative part of the site
  • Navigate to Content | Article Manager
  • Select the appropriate category in the category filter on the left hand side (this can include Uncategorised if the article had not been given a category) - and use any other suitable filters to find the article
  • Select the article and edit it to give it an appropriate category and/or change its status to Published - all the normal editing functions that you were able to use on the live site are also here
  • Save  

2. To change the article display order  - Home Page Only

  • The display order of articles on blog or summary view pages is determined by order setting for that page's menu item - such as the most recent articles display at the top (or the bottom)
  • However for some pages the order setting might be appropriately set to manual - allowing and requiring someone to determine the display order article by article - this FAQ explains how to do this - currently this is required which only for the FAQ pages
  • Log in to the administrative part of the site
  • Navigate to Content | Article Manager
  • Select featured article option from the list top left to display only articles on the home page
  • Use the ordering column to move articles up or down until the required order is achieved
  • Note that articles with no 'tick' in the Status column will not display on the home page
  • The changes are automatically saved - check on the live site.

2. To change the article display order manually (other than home page)

  • The display order of articles on blog or summary view pages is determined by order setting for that page's menu item - such as the most recent articles display at the top (or the bottom)
  • However for some pages the order setting might be appropriately set to manual - allowing and requiring someone to determine the display order article by article - this FAQ explains how to do this - currently this is required which only for the FAQ pages
  • Log in to the administrative part of the site
  • Navigate to Content | Article Manager
  • Select the appropriate category in the category filter on the left hand side to display only the articles in the category you wish to change
  • Click on the icon at the top of the left most column in the listing of the articles - the tooltip will note that this will enable Ordering
  • Once enabled you can then click and drag the three vertical dots next to the article you wish to move and relocate it up or down the list thus changing its display order (when the Manual rule has been selected for the page's menu item)

3.  To Change the Number of Columns on a Page

  • The default for the number of columns on a page is 2 but this can be changed for individual pages (the home page is an example - it is set to 1)
  • Log in to the administrative part of the site
  • Navigate to menu, menu manager, menu items
  • Select the menu item (the page that is to be changed)
  • click on the advanced options tab and then click on the layout options tab
  • place the number of columns required into the field '#columns' (if blank = global = 2)
  • click save & close



We hope this FAQ item has assisted you. Please  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. how you think it can be improved.