In a Howell session, Pianola knows which direction a pair sat at for each board (from the movement). It also knows where you sat at the first table (from the Bridgemate data) but it doesn't know for sure where you sat afterwards when the pair was sitting in the other direction. EG you might start as N but then sit W or E.

i have recently discovered that one can tell Pianola exactly where one sat. It does assume that you are consistent!

You need to be logged in to Pianola to see this.

You go to the Session Report tab and specify the two seats you played in:


This then enables this useful display on the Session Report tab where you can click on a board number. (This is already there for a Mitchell movement).


By the way, did you know that on the Travellers tab, you can click on All boards and see them all on one page with all results (but not your %)?


An alternative is the Hands tab which also displays all the boards in a nice format and with the % but without all the other pairs' results (though you can click on Traveller to see them).