This is a hand from our SALT4 match on Monday night. It doesn’t get much worse. This was the first hand of the second match, a disappointing 1 point hand.
Initial Bidding
Things looked up when my partner Peter Bendelstein opened 2C – our game force strong opening.
As we play controls as a response to 2C opening, I replied 2D showing that I did not have an Ace but possibly had a King.
Bruce Kleem on my left bid 2S
My partner Peter then bids 2NT showing a balanced hand with 22-23 points
After a pass on the right what would you bid?
My Analysis
1. If I pass my partner is left to play 2NT with a maximum of 24 points but given my spade void, little defence against the inevitable spade lead
2. My hand has no value in NT but may have additional values if we can find a suit fit
3. I have 5 very poor Hearts and my partner must have at least 2 Hearts given his 2NT bid
4. If we play in Hearts then my void is theoretically worth 5 points. Now we have 28-29 points and the opposition’s Spades now considerably devalued.
Subsequent Bidding
With the courage of my convictions I bid 3D – a transfer to Hearts hoping my partner would recognise the transfer. Peter, of course, knew what I meant and bid 3H.
Playing IMPS one should bid the thin games so I bid 4H which was passed out
Peter’s hand was:
Hearts can make 11 tricks, whilst 2NT goes at least one down.