Those lucky enough to be playing West should have enjoyed playing board 19. It must be the strongest hand i have ever been dealt. Who says we never get good cards!?
I almost opened 7D but calmed down and opened 2C following the principle of slow arrival. One doesn't know if S or D will be the better fit. My partner Susan responded 2H with 8 HCP and a 5 card suit. (One declarer opened 6D and their partner passed).
I decided to show my S suit first (it is a 6 card suit after all) even though it is shorter and bid 2S. Partner responded 2NT, nothing more to say, and I rebid 3D. Partner, perhaps surprisingly, showed a preference for S (otherwise I would have rebid S to show extra length). So 7S it was.
We scored 2210 (postcode territory and coincidentally PBC's ABF club number) and a top board whereas there were 3 in 7D (a safer contract), 1 in 6D and 4 only bid to game, 4S or 5D - but West has no losers (unless S are split 5-0)! Partner's hearts were no benefit at all as clubs are led.