Paul Marston is an Australian bridge teacher, writer and player with a long list of national and international success as a player.
Good card play may be an asset but most hands are won or lost before a single card is played. This book shows you how to bid well.
The system is Standard with Weak Twos. It covers both four and five card majors.
There are three sections: the first nine chapters cover uncontested auctions, the next four cover competitive auctions and the last two cover tournament play.
Each of the chapters has a quiz.
Topics covered in Uncontested Auctions are The Opening Bid, First Response, Opener’s Rebid, Responder’s Rebid, Reverses and Jump Shifts, No Trump Openings, Opening Twos, Opening Threes, Slam Bidding.
In the section on Contested Auctions, Overcalls and Takeout Doubles, They Intervene, Doubles – Negative qnd Penalty and Competitive Bidding Strategy.
Tournament Bridge covers Conventions and Treatments, Duplicate Bridge, Bidding Practice and Hand Strips.
Look for it at our bridge library.