Two over One Game Force - The Language of Bidding

A new edition of The Language of Bidding is now available at our library. It describes what you need to know about bidding to become a strong bridge player.

This edition is based on Two over One. This is an extension of Standard, where a non-jump response in a new suit at the two level is forcing to game.

According to the author, Paul Marston, this brings two benefits - it's easier to use and it's more effective. 

Two over One has become the method of choice amongst bridge players all around the world.Two over One may be a superior method for bidding both games and slams but, as you might expect there is a price to pay. The main problem is that the responder does not have an opportunity to show a suit. Responder has to decide about game on the spot. Marston discusses these issues.

After reading this book you may be ready to roll up your sleeves and take on the world only to find that Two over One auctions don't come up all that often. This is reality.  Instead, know that when the opportunity does arise, you will stand ready to thrill your partner and impress your opponents!