Club library
Members are welcome to borrow books and magazines from our club library. Simply record what you borrow and return in the Borrowing Book on the library shelves.
See below for library news and reviews - or check the Library Catalog to see what we have listed by author and by title.
Have you have surfaced from learning the basics of bridge? Do you go to the monthly bridge classes and some things are starting to make more sense? Are you playing a couple of times a week and you and your partner are keen to learn more?
You will enjoy dipping into Intermediate Bridge Play Problems by Tina Zines (edited by Derrick Browne). Copies are available now, for you to borrow, in your PBC Library.
Select a problem, bid and play. Then turn the page to see the solution and analysis for each of the 50 problems. South is always the declarer in these problems. Often you will be asked to put yourself in the declarer’s seat. Some of the time you will be defending.
"Can it be right to jeopardize the contract for the sake of a dubious overtrick? Can it be wise to play deliberately against the odds? When is it safe to gamble? When is it sound to be unorthodox? Hugh Kelsey leaves no question unanswered. Better still he teaches the reader how to master the technique of duplicate and find the answers himself..."
"...with some 200 vivid examples, Kelsey analyses one by one the problems of bidding, dummy play and defence in the light of ... match-point scoring. He covers the entire field, from the opening lead in a part-score contract to the advance sacrifice against a grand slam."
Peninsula Library's new acquisition and book of the month is Audrey Grant's Entries – Five Steps to Overcome Entry Problems. This book was recommended during the workshop by Joan Butts on Entries.
Do you sometimes find yourself in the wrong hand, yours instead of dummy’s or vice versa? Are you a numbers person? Or… would you like to know what the odds of how the suits will break in the defenders hands?
If you answered yes to either of these questions, then Audrey Grant’s book on Entries may be a help. It is easy to follow with lots of examples and suggestions for bidding and play!
"Hugh Walter Kelsey (1926–1995) was a Scottish bridge player and writer, best known for advanced books on the play of the cards. ... He wrote some fifty books on the game, mostly aimed at intermediate to advanced players. It is a measure of their quality that many of them were still in print more than a decade after his death. Two of his books, Killing Defence at Bridge and Advanced Play at Bridge, were listed by the Official Encyclopedia of Bridge as 'mandatory requirements for a modern technical bridge library'." - from (22 Mar 2017).
One might wonder if Advanced Play at Bridge, a book first published in 1968, could still be relevant to a bridge player today almost fifty years later. I would like to answer strongly that it is.