Two more of our members have obtained their club director qualifications in the last month.
Sandie Rooke and Susan Jensen received their directing certifications this month. Sandie and Susan are both members of the Bridge Education team and direct some of our supervised sessions.

Dear Members,
I believe that our bridge community at Peninsula is a bit like a family in that to get along well, good communication is key. The Committee makes a huge effort to communicate, especially regarding any changes, but good communication is not as easy task and this is where your help is invaluable.
Whilst we relish any positive feedback, we also invite and appreciate enormously any expression of concerns or disagreement with decisions that are being made. It is this feedback that can alert us to the need for clarification, reflection and often better communication. Please keep writing or talking to us!

Want to know how the experts would bid and play the hand you just played?
Join us on Tuesday 31 July between 5 and 6pm and find out.
We'll play some boards from the 2018 Vanderbilt finals, and then check out what the experts did - via the Videograph movies and commentary. The Vanderbilt is the major marquee US teams event founded in 1928 by the founder of our contract bridge game, Harold Stirling Vanderbilt. Check out more information at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vanderbilt_Trophy and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harold_Stirling_Vanderbilt.

President Sarah Young thanked Councillor Cory Amon during his recent visit to the club to see the portable PA system that his grant to the club procured for us.
The PA system will be used when we need a microphone in operation but not through the speakers that operate throughout the clubhouse. This occurs when we use another room or if we have a session or lesson operating only at one end of the room with something different happening at the other end.

"Currently it is estimated that almost 8,000 people in the Northern Beaches live with dementia. In the area it is expected to grow by 38% by 2050 and almost 150% in Pittwater alone. It is imperative that we act now, to develop communities that are safe and supportive for people living with dementia.
On behalf of Your Side, it is my pleasure to announce the Northern Beaches Dementia-Friendly Communities Project. As a valued community member and professional, I would like to invite you to be part of this project.

As many members are aware the lease on our current premises expires in 2021. The Premises Working Group has been tasked with looking at all our options.
In May we met with Kylie Walsh, the new Executive Manager, Community Arts and Culture at Northern Beaches Council at her request to brief Council on our needs. At this meeting Kylie explained Northern Beaches Council had employed consultants to look at current and future community centre needs. Kylie said Council would advise within 6 months the future of the Nelson Heather Centre.
In the meantime we are keeping alert to any opportunity for suitable premises. Clearly a key issue for us is accessible transport and parking.

Here are the results of the 2018 Member Survey conducted in late June and early July. The submitted individual answers on name, ABF number and date of birth have been removed to ensure anonymity of individual responses.
246 responses were received (more than 40%) which is remarkable in the survey world - thank you. Of these more than 85% were received online which made it so much easier - thank you again. There were a large number of members born in 2018 - hopefully this does not make it more difficult to seek Council and others' support for the value of the services we provide.

Thanks to the Benevolent Society who run the Meals on Wheels service opposite the Club, we are able to offer reservations for our mobility challenged players after 12 noon weekdays for eight of the spaces reserved for their volunteer delivery drivers. These eight spaces comprise the five left-most spaces and the three right-most spaces when facing Meals on Wheels (leaving the four centre spaces available for their volunteers to use when returning from their deliveries).
This is a favour to our club's members and it is important that we use it considerately. It is an opportunity for us to help our members with severe mobility issues.