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3 + 1 Teams day
Sunday 20 October 2024, 10:00 - 14:30
Hits : 4841
Contact Simon Hunter (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 0451 130 330) or Max Paterson.

We are having a 'Teams of 3' day on Sun 20 Oct 10am, finishing around 2.30pm.

We hope this will encourage you to participate in the Club's Teams Championship in November.

This is a slightly different format, where each team of 3 has a more experienced 'Captain' as the 4th member; they will mentor and partner the other 3 players.

We will aim to play Round Robin matches in groups of 4 tables with 3 x 9 or 10 board rounds.  In each match, the Captain will play with one of the other three team members in turn and the remaining two will partner each other as they play their opponents.

Therefore you do not need to come with a partner as we will allocate players to teams based on masterpoints so that each set of 4 tables has players of similar experience (so far as possible).  If you are with a regular partner, you will only play one round with them.  Simple bidding systems should be used.

So EVERYONE is welcome.  It is not intended to be a super-competitive event, but a social and educational day.  We need at least 8 tables and 12 (or 10) would be good and we may close off entries when we have a suitable even number of tables.  If you are willing to be a standby, that would be helpful.

We will play 2 rounds and then break for lunch with plenty of time to score up after each round.

BYO a plate to share for lunch and we will provide biscuits for morning tea.

Book as an individual in the booking sheet and we will make up the teams.

We also need people to be Captains (you don't need to be a super-expert) - please volunteer and book in the booking sheet.

Cost is 1 PPV. Visitors welcome ($15).