Bridge Solver image

BBO provides useful detailed records of hands that you have played, including the bidding and card by card play of the hands. These can be found in History | My table for games currently under way, in History | Recent tournaments for club hosted sessions and other BBO tournaments, and in History | Recent hands for private table or other games in the Casual area (such as Main and Relaxed Bridge Clubs).

Looking at these hand records includes options to:

  • Replay the cards card by card (Next card)
  • Look at the scores (and bidding and play) at Other Tables playing the same board
  • Show double dummy analysis of the current play situation - how many over or under tricks that can be made on best declarer play and defence
  • Export the hand for use elsewhere

You might find this 8 min video introduction to BBO Results Analysis useful.

However BBO doesn't provide everything. A key missing element is a double dummy display of makeable contracts - useful to identify the par contract. Member, Gayle King, provides a useful introduction to the installation and use of Bridge Solver, an extra tool that provides this makeable contracts option as well as other useful information.