Latest News
Dear members,
I am very pleased to announce some premises news.
As promised, Council staff met with us last week.
They informed us that the Northern Beaches Council plan to redevelop the Nelson Heather Centre by demolishing the current buildings and building a new Community Centre. While this plan is subject to formal Council budget approval, expected mid 2019, they have already appointed a project manager.
Taken from the Australian Bridge Federation President's Report: "In our quest to attract more players and create a positive environment, clubs, states, territories and the ABF rely heavily on volunteers. Wednesday 5 December is International Volunteer Day. I encourage you all to thank a volunteer for the time they give to building the Australian Bridge community."
Peninsula Bridge Club has more than a hundred known member volunteers, and some others that work very quietly behind the scenes - please choose one (or more) and say thank you.
Members may wish to read the ABF December Newsletter just released in electronic form.
Printed copies are most likely on their way to the club.
Enjoy the content whichever way suits you best.
The contents are shown as:
Sixteen teams battled for the 2018 Club Teams Championship over three weeks, playing 90 boards.
The Farmer team (Alan Davies, Vivien Eldridge, Lyn Smith, Cath Whiddon and yours truly) emerged triumphant, 24 VPs ahead of the runner-up Draper team (Ray Bragge, Margaret and Michael Draper and Anne Small) who were only two ahead of the third place Ody team (Colin Dempster, Alessandro Gado, Brian Ody and Patrick Starck).
“To supplement the Pianola Partner-Finder service which is ideal for finding a partner for an upcoming session, the club also offers a partner broking service for those looking to find an ongoing partner.
You can now contact any of the following volunteer team of three (who between them cover the club's different colour-coded sections) and they will try to help you find a partner, whether for just one game or for more. So, if you are in need of a partner and:
What a day! We had 126 players attend our fabulous event.
Di Agostino did a splendid job with the catering. We have so many people who help at our big events including trestle set up, decorations, directing, organising and preparing food, serving drinks, photographing, cleaning, sweeps etc etc – you get the idea. It is a huge team effort – done with a smile and possibly a fascinator! And of course, the spectacular morning tea contributions by the players on the day.
On Wednesday, a short while into the session, Anne Small went to the front cupboard to get a file. She swiftly closed the door again and came over to me to say “ there’s a possum in the cupboard!”.
John Rogers was directing but was in the middle of setting up the movement so we decided to tell our vet professor, Terry Rothwell, and ask his advice. After he stopped laughing he said that nothing should be done until after everyone had left at the end of the session.
Forty-eight Peninsula players travelled across the seas on Sunday 4 November to defend our 2017 win in the Peninsula vs Peninsula Head-to-Head teams challenge against Brisbane Water Bridge Club.
Our valiant members were divided by our leader, Vivien Eldridge, into three groups - Novice, Restricted and Open - to battle against similar categories from the host club. Check the photos (thanks Heidi)!