2017 Club Pairs Champions - Cath Whiddon and Ann Small
2017 Club Pairs Champions - Cath Whiddon and Ann Small

February has seen the successful start of many of our competitions. I hope that you enjoy any of the competitions that you take part in.

Congratulations to our 2017 Club Pairs Champions, Cath Whiddon and Ann Small, and also to all our members who did so well at the Gold Coast Congress.

March is a busy month, with the National Open Teams event, the Margaret Smale Inter-Club Teams as well as our Annual Swiss Teams Congress. All these events rely on volunteer help, so please help with catering and tidying if you can. Requests for helpers will be on the notice board or on Pianola.

I am delighted to report that our membership continues to grow. With almost 600 members, Peninsula is the 4 th biggest club in NSW and the 11 th biggest club in Australia. I would like to thank our directors, the bridge education team, all our volunteers and all our members who help create the friendly environment of our Club.

Your joint contribution makes all this possible!

One strategic priority for this year is to improve communication. I am pleased to report on the successful setting up of a Communications Sub-Committee, kindly chaired by David Farmer, and enthusiastically helped by Peter Henderson, Annegrete Kolding and Shirley Corbett. They will be developing improved communications within the club as well as outside the Club, to promote the Club and the game of bridge. A regular newsletter is part of the mix, which will be available on line as well as at the club. Any articles, photographs or items of interest are always welcome- please direct them to David Farmer.

Bridge is a partnership game and we all have times where we find ourselves looking for a partner. You may be looking for a short term fill in or perhaps a long term partnership. Lyn Hamill continues to do a great job pairing people up who call her with a request. In addition, Pianola has a wonderful PARTNER FINDER facility, specifically designed to meet this need. It is easy to use and I encourage you to try it out. All you have to do is: 

  • Log on to Pianola;
  • Go to account;
  • Enter your convention and personal info;
  • Go to Partner Finder; and
  • post an ad.

It is super user friendly. If you need assistance, please ask one of the Committee members to show you what to do.

Happy bridging!

Sarah Young