August has been a busy month on the Congress and competition front. Coffs Harbour was well attended and all had a good time. Well done to Peter Clarke and Hans Van Weeran (representing NSW) as well as Cassandra Mitchell and Clare Filmer Ramsay for a competing at the 2017 Australian Restricted Championships in Canberra. Congratulations to Cath Whiddon for winning the NSW State Individual Tournament. Well done to David Farmer and Viv Eldridge for winning the Charlie Mitchell Shield.
Most importantly, well done to everyone who has managed to avoid the awful winter flu!
On an organisational front, Robin Ho, our new administration assistant, is doing a wonderful job of helping with the finances and the membership process. The Committee has been getting ready for the transition to GST status, and I am happy to report that everything is in good order. A special thanks goes to Bob Whiddon and Max Patterson for all the work that they are doing behind the scenes.
Looking ahead, Charity Pairs on September 4th (11.00 am start!) is our major fundraising event of the year. Please come along or help by buying some raffle tickets or contributing raffle items. All the table and raffle money from the day goes towards Mona Vale Hospital Auxiliary and to NSW Rural Fire Brigade, both wonderful organisations.
Day time beginners’ lessons commence on 11th September- please spread the word as nothing beats a personal recommendation. Invite your friends into the joys of bridge!
The Committee year is drawing to a close. All Committee members step down prior to the AGM and the next year’s Committee will be elected at the AGM on November 4th. A focus for next year will be the establishment of a Social Sub- Committee. The aim of this sub-committee will be to help organise the many enjoyable events where our bridge is accompanied by cake, lunch, a drink, and a social mingling of members. We will be looking for volunteers, or pairs of volunteers, to assist the team by perhaps taking one event ‘under their wing’, with the aim being to spread the work load and involve many members in a small way. If this aspect of the Club appeals to you, please talk to a Committee member or to me. Bridge expertise is NOT AN ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENT. The only requirement is having an interest in helping the Club, some time, some energy and most importantly a positive attitude and a smile.
Happy bridging!
Sarah Young