Photo of the handmade quilt
The quilt made by Shirley Corbett

A highlight of September was our Annual Charity Pairs fund raiser. There was an excellent turnout and a fun day was had by all. More than $2,800 was raised. Thank you to Sue Riley for the wonderful effort she put in on the organisational and catering front. Who could possible resist her profiteroles! We are grateful to Shirley Corbett for the exquisite hand- made quilt which she donated. It raised more than $200 - Sue Falkingham was the lucky winner.

We are hoping to reach $9,000 for the year’s fundraising, which includes money from the Charity evening plus money raised from plant and book sales. We appreciate Robin Hoey’s efforts in supplying the plants and thank those who help with the books. There will be some raffles at the Club -please buy some tickets to help us reach the $9,000 target.

The Member’s Only Teams on Thursday 14 September was another successful and enjoyable day. Congratulations to Anne Small, Vivien Eldridge, Michael Draper and Margaret Draper, who were the wining team.

The Stebbins competition takes place in October, which involves playing with a different partner on 4 successive Mondays. This is an opportunity to play with different members who you might not usually get to play with.

October also sees the commencement of the Under 100 MP Club Pairs Championship. This event is on Friday 6th, 13th and 20th - not Thursday 19th - please note that the date is INCORRECT in the diary.

The recently launched Buddy System is receiving an enthusiastic response. It is wonderful to see more experienced players helping to nurture confidence amongst our newer members, and also to see new friendships blossoming. If you would like to get involved, please contact Susan Jensen, on the Bridge Education team.

Looking ahead, we hope you will be able to come along to the Annual General Meeting on Saturday 4 November at 11am, followed by a free game of bridge.

Melbourne Cup Day on 7 November is always a fun event to attend. Come along to enjoy a day of bridge, plus lunch, a drink and a chance to try your luck out in the sweep. There will be winner prizes and of course a prize for the best hat!

Happy bridging!

Sarah Young