October has been another month of competitions at the Club and at Congress events. Congratulations to Maggie Gibbs and Susan Jensen on winning the Under 100MP Competition. On the Congress front, congratulations to Peter Clarke and Hans van Weeren for winning the two-day Two Men and a Truck Restricted Teams at the 2017 Sydney Spring Nationals event.
This month, we sadly lost two of our members, Bob Woodcock and Vona Hadfield. They will be missed at the Club by their friends and partners and by the Club as a whole.
We are fortunate to have the use of a wonderful facility at Nelson Heather. However we need to be planning for the future, as the building is aging and our lease expires in 2021. With Greg Hay and Bill Fitzsimons, I am liaising with the new Northern Beaches Councillors to ascertain what plans they have for the building. I presented the Club’s case at the inaugural Council meeting on 26 September and will be meeting with the Mayor to discuss the issue in more detail. I will keep you informed of progress on this important issue.
I hope many of you will come along to the Melbourne Cup day on 7 November for some racing fun along with the bridge - wear a hat if you fancy, and you might win a prize!
At the AGM on Saturday 4 November, the current Committee will step down. I would like to take the opportunity to thank each Committee member for their dedication and hard work this year. I would also like to thank all the directors as well everyone who has contributed in some way. Peninsula is a very special club which we are fortunate enough to be part of. It has been an honour to be President this year.