Alan Davies has provided this interesting board from the Gold Coast Congress - the Ivy Dahler swiss pairs - that he and Vivien played and which was the top board.

They were sitting NS.  The bidding went:

E 1D,  S 2C,  W pass,  N pass (At the post mortem N acknowledged that they should have bid spades),

E X,  S pass (sensing a trap),  W pass (a trap!),  N XX (we're in trouble, take it out)

E pass,  S pass (nowhere to go!),  W pass.  Lead 9D.

After the dust settled they made +560 for 2C XX making, losing 2 diamonds, a diamond ruff, a spade and a heart.

Most pairs were in 2,3 or 4S making 8,9 or10.   See the hand record and scores.