Last week on StepBridge, Annegrete and I had this interesting hand which highlighted several bidding issues when possibly searching for slam.
Annegrete opened 2D (multi), I followed with 2NT (strong enquiry), then 3D from Annegrete (8-10 pts with 6 Spades). This was followed by a lead directing double from the opponents which worried me as I had 3 quick diamond losers in my hand.
At this stage I bailed into 4S knowing there was a good chance we should be higher but that we had no agreement in place about which further bids would show agreement of suit and be showing controls rather than be natural.
I was then very pleased to find an excellent article by Peter Hollands in the June ABF newsletter pages 20-21 on this very topic.
I hope you will find it as useful as I did and a good conversation starter for you and your partner.
pass 2D pass 2NT
pass 3D dbl 4S
pass pass pass
Both Vul. Result: 4S +2 by E = +680 42%
♥️ 62
♦️ 7
♣️ KT94
♥️ 75 ♥️ 983
♦️ T92 ♦️ AKQ843
♣️ Q652 ♣️ J73
♦️ J65
♣️ A8