Recent results:
Congratulations this week to Bronwyn Neal and Lynne Talmont for placing 1st E/W and 2nd overall (from 56 pairs) in Sunday’s ABF Novice Pairs event. Well done!
Looking for something to do on a lazy Sunday afternoon or a Friday night when there’s nothing on Netflix that grabs your attention? Check out the ABF Nationwide Pairs competition at 7:30 on Friday nights and 2:30 Sunday afternoons. There are 3 divisions both days, suitable for all levels – U100 (Novice), U300 (Restricted) and Open.
Chances are you’ll bump into a pair you know as more and more PBC members are signing up for these events, and with Top 10 success!!
As well as good fun it’s a great chance to meet people from all over Australia, people just like you who are relying on the bridge community to come together and navigate this difficult time. It would be great to see you and your partner logging on (1 hour before is great) and joining the rest of us for a couple of hours of fun and competitive bridge. It's super easy to enter, follow the link or just look for ABF Nationwide Pairs in Competitive/All Tournaments and find your Division. Cost is just 3BBO$.
If you’re not yet playing on line and think you’d like to give it a go, have a look at PBC’s helpful hints, Playing Online.
Hope to see you soon at the virtual bridge table