Reinforce your core play techniques as declarer and defender by joining a Zoom based series of small group lessons on Wednesday evenings (6.30-7.30pm) presented by David Farmer. Newer players who have completed a beginners course may find this particularly useful.
We will usie Joan Butts' Help with Play course material to cover 10 key ideas for declarer and follow this with 10 similar key ideas for defenders. As a small group we will use Zoom for discussion and then to jointly play hands that illustrate the key points. There will be time for questions and notes emailed to students.
The topics covered (two per week) will include:
- Counting Winners
- Counting Losers
- Making Extra Tricks: Promotion
- Making Extra Tricks: Length
- Making Extra Tricks: The Finesse
- Making Extra Tricks: Using the Trump Suit
- Making Extra Tricks: Discard Losers on Winners
- Draw Trumps First or Not?
- Entries and Reaching Winners
- Keeping Communications with Dummy
- Imitate Declarer
- Third Hand High
- Second Hand Low
- Covering Honours
- Unblocking a Suit
- Discarding
- Opening Leads against No Trumps
- Opening Leads against Suits
- Leading Long Suits
- Leading Short Suits
This series will run for 10 weeks from Wednesday 14 October through to 16 December, and will cost only $40 for the whole series. Please email David Farmer on