Photo of best Peninsula pair

The Australia Wide Novice Pairs (<100MP), organised by Australian Bridge, was played at Peninsula on Friday 31 May, with two sections each of 8 tables entering.

This event involves scoring across the entire field covering many Australian bridge clubs with about two thirds of the entries submitted so far - so it is too early to be certain how we fared. Normally we would have local results in the interim but with two sections even this is not completely certain, though the raw score of 68.45% by Sue Evershed and John Simmonds in one of the sections was definitely impressive. 

 Check out the nationwide results which are still being finalised.

Sue Evershed and John Simmonds were showing, at the time of initial writing with 65% of clubs in, as leading Australia wide - but are now with 68% of clubs in, coming 2nd. This is a mammoth result.

Another Peninsula pair in the top 50 is Simon Hunter and Terry Herfort, currently 18th. Congratulations.