Our 2022 Congress continued with Teams on Saturday 30th April. There was one section of 15 teams. Prizes were awarded to the best teams in two categories: Open and Restricted (U300MPs) and to the best PBC team. We played 54 boards in 6 rounds.

Our 2022 Congress began with Pairs on Friday 29th April. There were two sections of 32 and 12 pairs. The larger comprised 2 logical groups - Open and Restricted (U300MPs) and played 54 boards in 6 rounds. The other section was Novice (U100MPs) who played 50 boards in 10 rounds.
The Committee would like to request that any player who has tested positive to COVID notify the President, Trish Berry either on 0424561131 or
This will allow other members who attended the club on the days you have played to be notified so they can monitor for any signs of COVID. Any information will be guaranteed to be kept confidential. Thanks.

Congratulations to Anne Small and Hans Van Weeren on winning the 2022 Club Pairs Championship. Runners up were Ian McLennan and Linda Abbenbroek.
With players continuing to return to face-to-face bridge at the club, we were pleased to see 12 pairs competing for the championship.
You can see the overall results in Pianola and the club website.
Thanks to Annegrete Kolding for convening the event.

Congratulations to Bruce McDonald and Peter Wilson who were the convincing winners of this 3 week closely fought event followed by Di Agostino and Robert Scott.
You can see the overall results in Pianola and the club website.
Thanks to Max Paterson for convening the event.
Congratulations to Nerida Gillies and Sandy Carter who won the Ivy Dahler Butler Swiss Pairs Restricted competition at the ABF Gold Coast Congress in February. This is a huge achievement with stiff competition and a gruelling 10 Rounds of Bridge.

Our volunteer run club needs to upgrade its marketing, both to support its important bridge education strategy (principally by attracting new beginners) and to enhance its internal and external image during its premises changes over the next few years. We would love to use any marketing experience and skills you (or a family member or friend?) may have gained in the past.
How this might work in practice depends on the experience, skills and willingness of those we are able to attract. There is also a possibility that we might be able to find a marketing student intern that might join the team.
If you (or someone you know) are able to offer us marketing experience and skills, please talk to me (David Farmer 0415 715 743) or to our Secretary, Simon Hunter (0451 130 330). Thank you in advance!

Our club is diverse but our website doesn't always get all the best stories. If you have an ear for a story and would like to help these stories find an appreciative audience via our newsletter, then please help.
What's involved? Keeping an ear, an eye and/or a nose out for a story that would be of interest to our members - could be profiling one of our volunteers or new members or old members. Compile a short easy-to-read story and ideally grab a photo to go with it. And send it in.
If you'd like to try, let me (Simon Hunter) know on 0451 130 330 or at