I would like to invite members to participate in this members-only, red-point trophy event which will be played on four successive Mondays commencing 8 October.
It is an "individual" event. To be eligible to win, a member must play with a different member each week - the best three scores will count.
No need to sign up. Just turn up on 8 October. Check the event details in the calendar. Trish Giles has won the 2017 Stebbins competition, ahead of runner-up Anne Small.
Alan Davies, convener
Tuesday night numbers have eased a little compared with the same time last year. While this can probably be attributed to the 2017 program of external expert teacher-directors, we are trying to consider what we can do to increase numbers.
Interested members who play at the session have been contributing and brainstorming different ideas. We had a face-to-face discussion in mid August and have another planned for 6.15pm on Tuesday 9 September to identify a few of these ideas to trial at the Tuesday night session during the rest of 2018. If you can see yourself playing at this session you are very welcome to join us.
If you have ideas about how to improve another session you play in, chat to your fellow players and send your thoughts into the Committee.
The AGM took place on Saturday 29 September and was well attended by members.
The Committee was pleased to report a very successful year, made possible by the wonderful support of our team of directors, the Bridge Education Sub Committee, the Tournament Sub Committee and the many helpers who assist in the running of the club.
The past year has been a busy year for the outgoing committee, and I thank them for all their hard work. A special thanks to Terry Rothwell and John Rogers who are stepping down from the Committee. The new Committee has now been elected, and I welcome Ken Watson and Susan Eason on board.
Check the 2018 Peninsula Bridge Club Income and Expense Report. Balance Sheet and accompanying Treasurer's Report that will be considered at our Annual General Meeting on Saturday 29 September.
A number of printed copies will be available at the club for those unable to access the financial statements linked in this article.
The Club’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held at 11am on Saturday 29 September. Formal notice of the meeting will be sent to members before 8 September.
This year it will include consideration of a number of special resolutions proposing amendments to our Constitution - chiefly arising from member suggestions that were too late to be formally considered at our Special General Meeting in May. That Special General Meeting updated our Constitution in response to changes in the relevant NSW legislation and was largely, but not fully, aligned the Department of Fair Trading Model Constitution.
I hope you will be able to attend the meeting to have your say and also to be part of the running of our club.>
PBC’s annual Charity Day convened by Sue Riley was again a great success with 31 pairs playing in the competition proficiently run by Terry Rothwell.
However, the main event of the day was the lunch provided by Sue Riley, who had spent days on preparation of delicious Moroccan lentil soup, ham and pea soup and pumpkin soup followed by a plentiful cake and cheese spread for dessert, where the exquisite profiteroles warrant a particular mention.
A big thank you to Sue for the enormous efforts putting this event together. And thanks to all the volunteers, who brought in chips, nibbles, dishes and cakes, and to all the people who help out during the day in the kitchen or with the raffles. Most of all thank you to the participants, who happily spent lots on raffle tickets.
We have recently updated our table number statistics to see how our various sessions are going from a quantitative viewpoint. Overall non-supervised weekly table numbers have eased slightly in the winter months from their high earlier in the year. (Supervised sessions were excluded because we do not have reliable data for previous years.)
Within this overall trend, Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon sessions have increased or retained their higher table numbers while Tuesday morning, Thursday and Saturday afternoons, and Tuesday and Friday evenings have eased. Wednesday evening, apart from the last few weeks (when a session was cancelled), has shown higher table numbers.
Members will remember our effective use of some federal government funding via the Stronger Communities Program over the first part of 2018 - it paid half the costs of our new printer/copier, of a new director's computer, of a large external TV monitor, of new chairs and side-tables and of new boards and some bridge-mate devices.
We have just been advised of an opportunity to seek further infrastructure funding support via the 2019 round of the same program, but the deadline to seek such an invitation is very short.