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In a Howell session, Pianola knows which direction a pair sat at for each board (from the movement). It also knows where you sat at the first table (from the Bridgemate data) but it doesn't know for sure where you sat afterwards when the pair was sitting in the other direction. EG you might start as N but then sit W or E.
i have recently discovered that one can tell Pianola exactly where one sat. It does assume that you are consistent!

You will be aware of Pianola since you will get an email from it with your results after you have played in a session (if we have your email address).
Pianola is one of the two places (along with the club website) where you can see your results.
But Pianola offers more and is in fact also the club's membership system where we record our members' details.
To use more of Pianola's features you need a username and password.

You can access all the club session results that have been uploaded to Pianola (since 2016). The club provides access to Pianola to all its members.
You need to login to Pianola and then select the Results menu. From here you can select all results in a monthly or weekly view or as a long list - see the adjacent image.
Please refer to our Pianola help area if you need help logging in Pianola.

So what do you do if you have changed your email address and no longer receive your Pianola results...

So what do you do if you can't to log in to Pianola? Perhaps you want to edit your profile, use the Partner Finder service, look up your past results or just explore the other great options this service offers.
We are a club with many volunteers that help us be the friendly organization that delivers a great game of bridge to so many from learners through social players to open competitive players. You can help us work well by using the right notification form and/or contacting the right person with your message, question or inquiry. If you can't find the right person then please contact
Notification Forms - The following notification forms are designed to efficiently pass on messages and report issues etc to the correct person. Choose the relevant link:
- Want to learn to play Bridge
- Want to learn more
- Apply for membership
- General enquiry, message, suggestion or comment (not covered below)
- Injury or health risk at the club
- Technology problem
- Directing issue or resources/training need
- Appeal against a director ruling
- Report poor player behaviour
- Dispute between two players or a player and a director
- Security incident or security risk at the club
Direct Contact - Contact the appropriate person below:
- President - Rob Scott - 0412 606 427 -
pres - Vice President - Trish Berry - 0424 561 131-
vp - Secretary - Simon Hunter - 0451 130 330 - - Treasurer - Max Paterson - 0426 982 096 - - Committee member - Dee Rowe - 0405 252 632 -
dee.rowe - Committee member - Sachiko Cathcart - 0411 414 461 - - Committee member - Bronwyn Neal - 0403 005 868 - - Committee member - Michael Green - 0438 137 175 -
- Administration Officer - Robin Ho - 0413 155 101 - - Bridge Education - Trish Berry - 0424 561 131-
vp - Bridge Education - Beginners Lessons - Dee Rowe - 0405 252 632 - - Bridge Education - Improver Lessons - Bronwyn Neal - 0403 005 868 - - Buddy Program - Anne Small - 0422 185 733
- Chief Director - David Farmer - 0415 715 743 - - Dealers - Bruce Kleem - 0435 786 381 - - Disability Parking - Mike Gibb - 9986 1747 - - House Manager - Ken Watson - 9451 8560 - - Library - Jennifer Ardill - 0414 536 523 - - Masterpoints Secretary - Sachiko Cathcart - 0411 414 461 - - Membership Secretary - Di Garstang- 0426 450 018 - - Pianola Partner-Finder Support - Bruce Kleem - 0435 786 381 - - Tournament Sub-Committee - Vivien Eldridge - 0407 206 105 - - Website - Simon Hunter - 0451 130 330 - - Welfare - Trish Berry - 0424 561 131-
Other Contact Details:
- Postal address - PO Box 512, Mona Vale, NSW 1660
- Street address - 9/5 Vuko Place, Warriewood, NSW 2102
- Phone/answering machine - (02) 9970 6527
This FAQ item provides guidance on administrator access to the site and some of the things you might want to do via that access. It would be expected that this would only be undertaken by a very small number of careful users.
Most functions done by site contributors can be undertaken on the live site when a suitably permissioned user is logged in - for example contributing and editing articles, and adding and editing events.
However there is a large range of additional functions that can only be undertaken on the administrator part of the site. This FAQ provides guidance for some of these functions:
This FAQ item provides guidance on how to easily include a bridge hand and/or bidding in an article or event.