You can view the Council's Public Exhibition and have your say here and in particular the Players Hall which will be our new home when the Centre is complete.
Northern Beaches Council on 25 August unanimously approved taking this concept design to Public Exhibition during September with the results of that engagement to be reported back to Council at its October meeting. Provided the Public Exhibition results are generally favourable it is expected that Council will approve proceeding with the Development Application.
Our new clubhouse meets the important needs of the club:
The results after the final round of the PBC Online Pairs Championship held over the last three Tuesdays are:
Congratulations to Cath Whiddon and David Farmer for their resounding win in the Open Division . Runners-up were Ian Bailey and Peter Robinson with Annegrete Kolding and Sarah Young in a very creditable third place.
In the Under 300 Masterpoint Division Suzanne Cole and Noleen Cregan held on to win whilst Trish Thomson and Marieta Borthwick in second just kept at bay third place-getters Margaret Titley and Alison Pratten.
The Under 100 event was a real nail-biter. Bronwyn Neal and Simon Hunter won by a mere 0.35 points from Savitri Newman and Kay Parker whilst a blinder of a last round from Joan and Roger Perkins left them less than three points behind in third.
In the Under 15 Division Dee Rowe and Bob Allen maintained their consistent form to stay ahead of another fast-finishing couple, Leah and David Boyd. Neil Mitchell and John O’Riordan finished a respectable third.
Many members of the club will remember Patricia MacDougal who was a member until 2017 and who recently turned 100 on the 10th of August. Congratulations and our best wishes.
The following article appears courtesy of the Mona Vale Gold Club, thank you to Suzanne Cole..
The now infamous words 'in these unprecedented times' aptly describe the last 5-6 months during which our club has reinvented itself, both online and with a 'different' clubhouse reopening on 29 June.
Many members have worked tirelessly so our members could stay connected and play bridge. Who could have imagined six months ago how active Peninsula players would become in online pairs and teams tournaments?
At the same time investigations were made about how and when the club could reopen and comply with the relevant Public Health Orders - and then appropriate procedures were developed and implemented. The clubhouse may not be the same as pre-COVID-19, but it's open, and we are cautiously moving forward under the mantra 'Safe Bridge=Great Bridge'.
Do you feel like you have been playing too much bridge lately? Try this poem for some light relief. It's in a pdf file.
Thankyou to George Somerville for contributing it. He doesn't know who wrote it.
We received the following letter from Karyn Nixon, Ada's daughter (click this link to see the order of service):
Dear David,
Thought you may like a copy of Mum's Order of Service.
Please thank everyone in the club for us for the many years of happiness you all gave Mum.
Mum's family and friends were first and foremost to Mum, followed closely by her bridge!
Kind regards,
The letter and order of service will be on the club noticeboard for a period of time.
The Covid Challenge came to an end on Tuesday after six keenly contested sessions. In all, over 40 pairs took part in the event with 23 pairs competing in at least five rounds. You can see the results to date here. On the basis of the best four scores, the winners in each Division were:
Open Winners: Lyn Baker and Jim Stewart; Runners-up: Vivien Eldridge and Alan Davies
Under 300 Winners: Nerida Gillies and Sandy Carter; Runners-up: Chris Dixon and Robert Gaven
Under 100 Winners: Cherie and Ron Tilley; Runners-up: Cammy Kuveju and Leofric Kingsford-Smith
Under 15 Winners: Ruth Buchanan and Jan Grant; Runners-up: Brigitte Grover and Tony Jenkins
A new Tuesday afternoon competition for each of the above Divisions is being planned and is expected to commence on Aug 11. Watch this website and your email inbox for more details.
Thankyou to John Rogers for setting up and directing this competition [Editor].
Last week on StepBridge, Annegrete and I had this interesting hand which highlighted several bidding issues when possibly searching for slam.
Annegrete opened 2D (multi), I followed with 2NT (strong enquiry), then 3D from Annegrete (8-10 pts with 6 Spades). This was followed by a lead directing double from the opponents which worried me as I had 3 quick diamond losers in my hand.
At this stage I bailed into 4S knowing there was a good chance we should be higher but that we had no agreement in place about which further bids would show agreement of suit and be showing controls rather than be natural.