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Do you lie awake sleepless at night wondering how BBO displays the results of Teams matches and in particular why a score is + or - ? Me neither, but in case like me you are finding it not obvious to understand, read on.
This is a hand from our SALT4 match on Monday night. It doesn’t get much worse. This was the first hand of the second match, a disappointing 1 point hand.
In order to avoid missing out on bridge while in lockdown I ordered a couple of books from The Bridge Shop at Willoughby. Normally I like to flick through a book before buying it so I was thrilled that on their website you can download "Samples" of some of the books - usually the first couple of chapters.
This month we focus on the basic openings and responses. Three books are recommended - Improvers Bridge by Derrick Browne, Play Bridge 2 by Joan Butts and Bidding by Audrey Grant
Recently someone said at the table that they didn't understand how matchpoints work (in duplicate bridge) so i thought I would find out. Matchpoints are what you see in the results under the headings MP and Matchpts.
These two books cover this month's lessons on Cue bidding and takeout Xs - these two systems will enable you and your partner to respond clearly so that you can be competitive and decisive during the session.
- Book Review - Takeout Double
- Book Review - Inferences at Bridge
- Alerting Jacoby transfers
- Book Review - To Open or Not to Open
- Book Review - Judgment at Bridge 2
- Scoring passed-in hands
- PBC Standard Opening Bids
- BOOK REVIEW - Better Signalling Now
- BOOK REVIEW - Planning the Play
- 4 New Books in Library