Our goal is to provide an enjoyable, friendly game for all our players, irrespective of whether they primarily have a social or a competitive focus, or are new to the game.
We also strongly encourage players to display a System Card.
Since COVID, we no longer have colour coded sections apart from Green which is for recent graduates from Help With Play sessions or other players with relatively few masterpoints who are playing the basic system taught by our Bridge Education team and who are transitioning to regular duplicate play. We provide Green-coloured Peninsula Basic system card for these players. See also this article on a starter version of the editable ABF system card.
All of our other regular sessions are 'All-comers'.
For those players who use less familiar systems - players will be expected to use either an ABF or Blue-coloured Peninsula Open system card. NB the "highly unusual methods" classified by the ABF as yellow system are not permitted.
For those playing common systems, players will be expected to use either an ABF or Red-coloured Peninsula Standard system card (currently out of print) with a "tick-a-box" choice of systems familiar to the majority of our social players. For some competitions, only those systems listed on the Peninsula Basic or Standard system cards may be used. For ease of use a list of the main systems/conventions not included in the Standard card is maintained on the noticeboard/here.
A good alternative to the club system cards is to use the editable ABF Standard Convention card which you can keep updated as your system changes and have a copy for each of your partners. This is a starter version of the ABF system card. There is also the ABF Simple Convention card (not editable). Stiff card copies of these are available for purchase at the clubhouse.
Participation in some special events may be constrained to those with completed system cards.
You can check the full System Guidelines in our Playing Rules and Operating Procedures.