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Congratulations to Sandy Carter and Nerida Gillies who came second in the 25-50MP section of this statewide competition held in November.
The best club pairs in the other sections were:
<10MP Kim Driscoll and Simon Fitzhardinge 28th
10-25MP Savitri Newman and Simon Hunter 5th
50-100MP Judith Croxall and Robert Gaven 18th
For those attending the Gold Coast Congress this is an invitation to drinks/dinner at the Kurrawa Surf Club on Monday 24th February from 6pm.
Please let Di Agostino know if you would like to attend ASAP via email
We had a very successful day on 2nd February with 104 attending at our Bushfire Victims Appeal event raising $2100 in table money. Most of these were our members with a sprinkling of visitors from other clubs. Many members who could not attend contributed generously to the raffle which raised an additional $2048. Red Masterpoints from ABF were free of charge. All funds will go to the Red Cross.
Most of the prizes were donated by local businesses. The first prize of a dinner/lunch for 2 at Bert’s, Newport Hotel with wines was won by Bryanna Whitaker. Sue Wilcox and Nolene Stewart won 2nd prize, $50.00 vouchers from Officeworks. Terry Herfort picked up the $30 voucher from Flower Power and Chris Moore will be enjoying the Magnum of Oakley Cabernet/Merlot donated by Porters Wines. Terry Herfort made 5 people happy with 5 vouchers for 2 ice creams. Trish Berry also donated a prize. Joan Butts provided 1 month free membership to the Joan Butts online school of bridge for 10 people as well.
This article guides you on how to access four of the club's key communication channels to promote your event or lesson or other message to our members:
- The list of Session Announcements sent to directors on Sunday or Monday morning each week
- The Pianola Results message header generally updated at the same time
- The Event Notices lists (2) of upcoming special events, and
- The Club TV Slideshow running before and during each session.
Our volunteer run club needs to upgrade its marketing, both to support its important bridge education strategy (principally by attracting new beginners) and to enhance its internal and external image during its premises changes over the next few years. We would love to use any marketing experience and skills you (or a family member or friend?) may have gained in the past.
How this might work in practice depends on the experience, skills and willingness of those we are able to attract. There is also a possibility that we might be able to find a marketing student intern that might join the team.
If you (or someone you know) are able to offer us marketing experience and skills, please talk to me (David Farmer 0415 715 743) or to our Secretary, Simon Hunter (0451 130 330). Thank you in advance!
Regrettably this event has had to be postponed and we hope to arrange it later in the year.
Restricted Club Pairs < 100mps. First Session Friday 14th February. Convenor - Vickie Busteed
Open Club Pairs. First Session Monday 10th February. Convenor - Vivien Eldridge.
The final two sessions will be held on Sunday 16th February at 10am.
Congratulations to Sue Evershed and John Simmonds for taking home 1st Prize in The National Novice Swiss Pairs Championship after 5 wins, 1 draw and only 1 loss. Well done!