The long awaited Online Teams Congress will be held by the New South Wales Bridge Association this Sunday 25th October 2020! Even more exciting, they are going to host this Teams event on a brand new online platform REALBRIDGE – an online platform on which you can see (yes see!) and talk to your partner, teammates and opponents at the bridge table. This is really the next best thing you can have to a face to face congress.
The Congress will start at 10.00am on Sunday 25th October, 2020 on RealBridge:
The Club ran a gold point teams event in the clubhouse over three Thursday sessions in October. Twelve teams competed, each playing six matches of twelve boards.
Congratulations to the winners of the event: Anne Small, Lynn Smith, Jan McLennan and Linda Abbenbroek.
Members of teams received gold masterpoints for each winning match. Ronnie Ng directed.
The event was run using a Swiss draw after the opening round was determined based upon the order of teams’ entry (quasi random).
We are now looking at SALT4. Given the proximity of the year end and in the interests of exposing club members to different types of competitions I am proposing the following:
Start date 26 October End date 14 December.
Play times Monday evening. Substitutes allowed.
Matches 2 10 board matches (as with SALT3). Scoring IMPS/VPs (same as SALT3). Masterpoints Green.
Structure one division. Swiss format (means after 1st round each team plays the nearest ranked team that it hasn’t already played). The result is you tend to play teams of your own standard.
Cost TBD (estimated one off payment of $30-$35 per player). Please let both Viv Eldridge and myself know if you wish to enter.
As always we run a matchmaking service if you don’t have a full team
This event has now finished and congratulations to the winners and thankyou to all participants.
Serpent Division - the Eldridge Team (Viv Eldridge, Alan Davies, Robin Devries, Peter Bendelstein)
Staircase Division - the Eason Team (Susan Eason, Lynne Talmont, Simon Hunter, Bronwyn Neal)
SALT4 coming shortly.
There was a huge turnout including a few PBC pairs.
Noleen Cregan and Suzanne Cole did very well to come third in the Restricted section.
I played with Patrick Starck (who is stranded in New Caledonia) and we did not do very well in the Open section.
In the first round we played a pair who were designated as ‘world class’. In the second round we played a pair designated as ‘expert’. We were completely annihilated in the second round and Kim Morrison kindly remarked that it was ‘good practice’ for us.
I spent a while wondering if I could make 4H on this board (after going 1 off).
Reinforce your core play techniques as declarer and defender by joining a Zoom based series of small group lessons on Wednesday evenings (6.30-7.30pm) presented by David Farmer. Newer players who have completed a beginners course may find this particularly useful.
We will usie Joan Butts' Help with Play course material to cover 10 key ideas for declarer and follow this with 10 similar key ideas for defenders. As a small group we will use Zoom for discussion and then to jointly play hands that illustrate the key points. There will be time for questions and notes emailed to students.
The topics covered (two per week) will include:
Peninsula Bridge Club hosted the Metro North Interclub Pairs on Sunday 27 Sep with 116 players across four fields: U15, U100, U300 and Open. It was held online on BBO this year, with Ronnie Ng and Alan Bustany as our directors.
Three regional clubs, North Shore Bridge Club, Trumps Bridge Centre and ourselves, entered full fields, with an additional two pairs from Narrabeen RSL and Killara Bridge Clubs joining Trumps to balance the numbers from these three. Successes were varied across the four fields:
It has now been decided not to have an extra fifth round of this competition due to there being the Bridge Education Anniversary clubhouse session on Sept 29th (there will be an open BBO session at 1.30), so the winners are the pairs with the best three results after the fourth round, which was directed by Heidi Colenbrander without the intervention of BBO or any other gremlins! Accordingly, I am pleased to announce the winners:
Open Division: Vivien Eldridge and Alan Davies
Under 200 Division: Chris Dixon and Robert Gaven
Under 35 Division: Savitri Newman and Simon Hunter
Congratulations to all of these and to everyone who took part. A full listing of scores can be accessed here.
We shall be holding a similar cumulative event in October