Sometimes the director might be busy with another call, and at other times it may take them anything up to 10 seconds to arrive. What do you do while you’re waiting?
This article is not going to answer that – instead it will provide some advice on what NOT to do in various situations:
You’ve revoked (or so the opponents claim – as if!)
For members who do not regularly read the ABF Newsletter, now is a great opportunity to see what you miss.
The June issue has just been released - you can check it out electronically or you can wait till printed copies reach the club in a week or two. A new editor, Brad Coles, has taken over this year - check out the changes he has made.
Here are the topics covered in this issue:
The club has six events a year where it serves alcohol, e.g. Christmas, Melbourne Cup, Club Congresses. Our liquor license requires that the person serving must have a Responsible Service of Alcohol certificate (RSA).
As part of our volunteer culture we would love some of our members to become RSA certified and help out at these events. The club will organise and pay for the training. You can do it face to face (about 6 ½ hours) or if you prefer, at home at your computer. This will take 5 to 6 hours and is self paced.
These events are important to the club and they have a long history. However, the club must comply with NSW legislation and if we don’t have sufficient RSA volunteers, this sadly may mean that no alcohol can be served or ticket prices may need to be increased to pay for certified servers.
Please contact
April saw the Autumn Individual event fought over four Mondays, with the best three scores counting.
Players had to play with different partners each week for the scores to count.
Congratulations to Verl Lawrence who prevailed with excellent scores, ahead of Sue Riley and Hans van Weeren. Verl cleverly planned ahead and played with her closest rival, Sue Riley, in the last week.
This clinic is highly recommended - not to be missed!
We, on the Bridge Education committee, are constantly looking for ways to help you improve your game and hence your enjoyment of the game. This month we have invited Joan Butts to present two workshops on Sunday 19 May.
Joan is one of Australia’s best known bridge teachers, Joan Butts. The workshops are multi-level and suitable for players of all abilities.
We had a great teams congress at Peninsula on Sunday 28 April with 37 tables. Thanks to director Ronnie Ng who coped well with the stress of a team not turning up.
Len, Gayle, Nerida and Sarah took second place in the restricted, with Jocelyn, Lyn, Vivien and myself the best Peninsula open team (but not great...). It was great to see Kate McCallum, current world champion, competing with us. Check the full results.
Thanks to all those who helped in any way especially Gayle King for organising all the food and Bill Fitzsimons who gave up his Sunday to caddy and Di Agostino and Terry Rothwell for the extra last minute dealing and especially Annegrete Kolding who was assistant convenor but on the day was too sick to attend.
Members may be interested to know that Warriewood Square is changing its approach to parking, introducing 2 and 3 hour time limits to most of its parking.
You can find the full details of the new parking arrangements on the Warriewood Square website.
The club celebrated Betty Bevins' birthday on Monday 15 April. Flowers accompanied a tribute by the President.
Betty has been a stalwart member of the club for many years - and it was great to see the well wishes of the other Monday players.
Thank you to Annegrete Kolding for the photo.